In the previous post I talked in general about what Mercury is, and now I want to address how Mercury is released from your amalgam/silver fillings and into your body. As a quick recap from my last post, studies show that mercury is a harmful substance, and studies also show that it is one of the main components of amalgam/silver fillings. If the mercury is in your mouth, how can it be harmful to other areas of your body? Let me explain how having mercury in your fillings can release mercury into the rest of your body.

First, it’s important to understand that as a chemical element, mercury releases vapors when it is heated, and it’s these vapors that are harmful to the body. The mercury in fillings can be heated from the friction created in daily activities like eating, brushing your teeth, grinding your teeth, having your teeth polished, etc. Research shows that when you perform these tasks, these vapors are released and are then swallowed with what you’re consuming, or even just the air you’re taking in. From then on the mercury is in your body and can impact your health in many ways. The vapor is also released when you have the mercury removed from your mouth, and that’s why it’s important to make sure that the mercury is removed in a safe way not just for you, but for everyone in the vicinity. Consider how these daily activities release mercury vapor, and next up I’ll explain a little bit of how research has shown mercury in your body affects all of your health.

In the meantime, our office always welcomes your comments and questions.

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