Dental Wellness Arts & Dr. Boyajian Bring You the Latest Advancements in Holistic Dentistry

A Combination of Nano Silver Technology with Ozone Therapy

Dental Wellness Art is pleased to announce the availability of Nano Silver Technology and Ozone Therapy, for your Holistic Dental treatments.

This breakthrough technology has opened new doors in holistic dental care, offering numerous advantages.


Ingredients: NanoSilver 30ppm, 3% Food grade Hydogen Peroxide, Ozonated water, Calcium Carbonate, Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa), Spearmint (Mentha Spicata), Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) and Gluten-free Stawberry, Chocolate (Theobroma Cacao*), 3% Food grade Hydogen Peroxide, Fern (Cyatheales), Fern (Dicksoniaceae), Fern (Cyatheaceae). *Contains no caffeine or theobromine

Nano Silver Technology in Holistic Dentistry

Nano Silver Technology involves the use of ultra-fine silver particles which possess unique antimicrobial properties, enabling them to combat a wide range of oral bacteria.

The Power of Ozone Therapy in Holistic Dentistry

Ozone Therapy involves the controlled use of ozone, a naturally occurring, non-chemical gas, for therapeutic purposes.

Synergy of Nano Silver Technology and Ozone Therapy

The combination of Nano Silver Technology with Ozone Therapy creates a powerful synergy that amplifies their individual benefits. When used together, they provide enhanced antimicrobial efficacy, improved tissue healing, and reduced treatment time.

Some notable advantages of their synergy include:

  1. Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity Nano silver particles and ozone together form a formidable defense against oral pathogens. They work synergistically to eliminate harmful microorganisms, reducing the risk of infections and improving treatment outcomes.
  2. Reduced Need for Antibiotics and Antivirals By harnessing the antimicrobial properties of Nano Silver Technology and Ozone Therapy, dentists can minimize the use of conventional antibiotics. This is particularly beneficial in combating antibiotic resistance and promoting safer dental practices. Nano silver has even been thought to have antiviral properties that can potentially help the net big viral outbreak.
  3. Accelerated Healing The combination of nano silver particles and ozone promotes faster tissue healing, minimizing post-operative discomfort and reducing the recovery period for patients.
  4. Minimally Invasive Approach Incorporating Nano Silver Technology and Ozone Therapy allows for minimally invasive dental procedures. Patients can experience less pain, reduced need for anesthesia, and preserved healthy tooth structure.

The integration of Nano Silver Technology with Ozone Therapy offers a promising path toward more effective, patient-friendly, and sustainable dental care.

As you may know, we freshly generate ozone every single day. Now we are taking that ozone and combining it with Orasil Nano silver to give viruses and bacteria…a One-Two punch!

At Dental Wellness Arts, we always strive to keep you informed about the latest breakthroughs in dentistry that impact your health.

Technical and Scientific study of Silver Nano Particles with Ozone
(Click Here to Download PDF file).

Wishing you a healthy and confident smile,

Dental Wellness Arts Team