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26 search results for: oral surg



WHAT IS SLEEP APNEA AND HOW CAN IT AFFECT ME? Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing is interrupted while asleep. People with undiagnosed sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly while asleep, sometimes hundreds of times. This is a dangerous sleep disorder because it means that the body and the brain [...]


PORCELAIN VENEERS CAN COMPLETELY TRANSFORM YOUR SMILE! If you want a complete smile makeover and lasting results, talk to Dr. Glenn Boyajian about holistic veneers treatment options. Restoring teeth with veneers can completely transform your smile and give you white, straight, and natural-looking teeth without braces or surgery. WHAT ARE PORCELAIN VENEERS? If Dr. Boyajian [...]


WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LANAP? Curious to learn more about this revolutionary, state-of-the-art procedure? Click below to download the LANAP Education Pack. DOWNLOAD THE LANAP LASER PACK NOW! GUM DISEASE AND YOUR HEALTH Gum disease has been linked to a variety of health complications including heart disease and low birth-weight babies. Until now the [...]


How Implants Work IMPLANTS HELP PRESERVE BONE IN THE JAW Traditional procedures pose risks of complications, whereas implants promote overall oral and jaw health. The presence of natural teeth or implants helps to preserve the jaw bone. An extracted or lost tooth can cause the bone to weaken or erode. Once placed, successful implants provide [...]

Dental Implant Information

ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS RIGHT FOR YOU? WHY CHOOSE DENTAL IMPLANTS Permanent Tooth Restoration Ability to Eat and Speak Without Loose Dentures No More Embarrassing Gaps In Your Smile! Saves Bone and Surrounding Teeth No Need for Fixed or Removable Appliances Renewed Confidence in Your Appearance MISSING TEETH? YOU'RE NOT ALONE! You're not alone! Did you [...]

Gum Disease Health

MAINTAIN A HEALTHY MOUTH, HEALTHY BODY THROUGH ORAL HYGIENE Caring Of Your Teeth Taking good care of your mouth does more than help you maintain that beautiful bright and white smile. Having a healthy mouth also means you can enjoy better overall health. Several studies have shown that people with good oral hygiene tend to [...]

Gum Recession

GUM RECESSION CAN BE CURED BY DR. BOYAJIAN! When the gum tissue around the teeth wears away or pulls back to the roots of the teeth, your teeth can become more sensitive, and the receding gums can affect the quality of your smile. Gum recession can not only indicate the presence of gum disease, but [...]

Dental Laser Therapy for Periodontitis

There are different degrees of gum disease. Sometimes it’s mild, manifesting itself as soft tissue swelling, redness, or sensitivity. Other times it’s severe, probably a case that has been neglected too long. Recessed tissues, deep pockets, extreme pain, bad tastes/smells, and an ongoing infection are indicative of periodontitis. If you have been diagnosed with periodontitis, […]


Lasers to Treat Gum Disease

I recently purchased a PerioLase dental laser. It’s a fabulous tool. Periodontitis, or gum disease, happens when a bacterial infection develops between the teeth and gums. Naturally, gums are supposed to fit around the teeth snugly. A shallow pocket, however, does exist between healthy teeth and gums, one that should not be deep, painful, or swollen. […]


Dental Care While Pregnant or Breastfeeding, Pt. 1

In a world slightly more health-conscious than the current one, women of childbearing age would spend their young years pursuing good physical health in preparation for future pregnancy. Thankfully, there is a growing movement among younger generations towards taking a more natural approach to health, diet, and medicine. However, bad health, bad habits, and bad […]