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What is Preventive Dental Care?

Preventive dental care is an important element in maintaining good oral health. It includes practices that support teeth and gums such as brushing and flossing. This is done in conjunction with maintaining a healthy diet, and seeing a dentist regularly for checkups and routine cleanings.

The Basics of Preventative Dental Care

The most obvious, and no doubt the most important element of preventative dental care, is brushing and flossing. Brushing and flossing helps to remove plaque from the surfaces and in between the teeth.

Some basic recommendations that can easily be followed at home include:

  • Brush twice a day
  • Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles (biodegradable toothbrushes are a good choice)
  • Use a gentle, circular motion
  • Brush the tongue or use a tongue scraper
  • Replace toothbrush every three or four months (sooner if the bristles begin to wear)
  • Clean between teeth daily with floss or an interdental cleaner (wide floss is best)
  • Rinse using a fluoride and alcohol-free mouth wash such as Xylitol based rinses

Use a Natural Mouthwash

Using a natural mouthwash in combination with routine brushing and flossing is the best way to reduce oral bacteria and maintain (or achieve) optimal oral health and hygiene. In addition to being gentle, the essential oils and herbal extracts found in many natural oral rinses are also valued for their therapeutic properties. Natural preservative-free oral rinses that contain specific essential oils can offer antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. This goes beyond what you might typically expect to find in commercial mouthwash products.

Healthy Diet – Healthy Teeth

Good nutrition combined with a well-balanced diet is one of the best defenses against tooth decay and periodontal disease. Choosing the right combination of vitamins, minerals and supplements can help to support teeth and gums and also promote a healthy immune system – which in turn helps to ward off disease and decay. Eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates all too often leave behind harmful acids and bacteria that linger in the mouth and lead to tooth decay and serious gum issues. The biggest culprits include carbonated beverages, sugary fruit juices and starchy foods such as pasta, bread and cereal.

Maintaining a healthy diet to support healthy bones, gums and teeth is paramount for maintaining optimal oral health. The best diet is low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, high in fresh ‘alive’ foods such as vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and legumes and contains a healthy dose of natural probiotic-rich foods such as kimchi, kombucha tea, and kefir. An alkaline rich diet sourced naturally from dark green vegetables, root vegetables and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, etc.) is nutrient dense and offers important teeth and bone supporting elements such as; beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins C, E, and K; folate; calcium and numerous other minerals.

Your doctor may also provide patients with an oral flora analysis which helps to determine what combination of supplements, homeopathy and probiotics will help a patient rebalance oral flora. An oral flora analysis helps patients to resolve gastrointestinal issues such as candida albicans overgrowth which can affect both the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. This process helps to reduce oral inflammation and eliminate oral pathogens by rebalancing the gut bacteria to support overall healthfulness.

Exercise Prevents Periodontal Disease

A 2005 study published in the Journal of Dentistry reported that people who exercise regularly are at a reduced risk of periodontitis (gum disease).  The study, conducted by Case Western Reserve University, involved more than 12,000 people. It identified three key factors that resulted in better oral health – with an average of 40 percent reduction in gum problems.

They included:

  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining optimal weight
  • Healthy Diet (Low in Sugars)

Researchers concluded that engaging in the recommended level of exercise is associated with lower incidents of periodontitis (especially among never and former smokers).

How often should I see my dentist?

Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems. These problems include inflammation, dementia, bone loss, heart disease, arthritis, strokes and more. Routine checkups and teeth cleanings can lower a persons’ risk of developing many chronic illnesses while helping to ensure a healthy oral environment.

The general rule of thumb for healthy people with a low risk of developing cavities or gum disease is to see their dentist about once a year. People with a high risk of dental disease such as smokers or diabetics might need to visit more frequently. Sometimes as frequently as every three or four months, or as recommended by the dentist. To schedule an appointment with Dr. A.J. Boyajian call 310-670-6944 or to learn more visit our website.


Correcting A Misaligned Bite Can Add a Youthful Look to Your Years

Do you suffer from nagging neck pain, persistently stiff jaw, severe headaches and/or do you habitually grind your teeth? If so, you may have a misaligned bite or ‘malocclusion’. A malocclusion exists when the teeth and jaw joints do not properly fit together. It manifests as an under-bite, overbite or spacing between teeth and overcrowding problems. These types of malocclusions can cause a wide range of dental and secondary issues, and dramatically impact facial esthetics – which can take a real toll on a person’s self-esteem. Seeing your holistic dental practitioner for a bite assessment can lead to a better profile, healthier teeth, more restful nights and fewer headaches.

Malocclusion vs. Misalignment

When a person’s bite is misaligned, an uneven distribution of pressure is put on both the teeth and jaw, particularly while chewing. This misalignment can cause many issues including tooth pain due to loose fillings, broken crowns or chipped and crooked teeth, recessed gums, TMJ (clicking and popping of the jaw), difficulty opening or closing the mouth and ringing in the ears. It can also lead to muscle strain which can cause frequent headaches or sinus pain, and difficulty or discomfort when biting or chewing.

A malocclusion is also considered one of the most likely culprits in patients who complain of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Chronic headaches are a well-recognized symptom of malocclusion that results from the uneven pressure placed on the teeth and jaw. The poor alignment of the teeth can be a result of genetic factors combined with poor oral habits, can result from an injury or stem from several childhood factors including inadequate nutrition. A bite analysis conducted by a dental professional can help to determine the level of correction needed and the type of treatment options a patient and dentist might consider.

Why You Should Seek Treatment of Malocclusion and TMJ

When looking at malocclusion, holistic dentistry focuses on the relationships of the teeth, facial muscles and jaw as a way to bring the whole body into healthy balance. Proper functioning of the temporomandibular joint or ‘TMJ’ is important for a well-aligned bite and healthy teeth. When injury to the jaw occurs, or if a malocclusion has been diagnosed, TMJ dysfunction may result, and create any number of problems that can impact a person’s overall health.

Benefits of treating malocclusion are many and include; a reduced risk of tooth decay as a malocclusion often causes an uneven wear pattern on the teeth which can lead to early tooth erosion and decay; improved oral hygiene by reducing overcrowding and making it easier to clean the teeth and gums effectively. There is also a reduction in the risk of TMJ or temporomandibular jaw syndrome which is often linked to a malocclusion.  And, by realigning the teeth, pressure on the jaw is reduced, thereby eliminating many of the painful symptoms associated with malocclusion. Malocclusion correction can also improve facial aesthetics and lead to a greater sense of self-esteem.

How to Tell If You Have a Malocclusion

The best way to test for a malocclusion is by way of a bite analysis which is a relatively simple procedure that is done in a dental office. For this procedure, the patient bites down on the mouth piece of a handheld scanning device. This device measures the pressure and force of a person’s bite from all angles. It will reveal which teeth undergo more pressure, determine where upper and lower teeth do not meet, and if there is a misalignment of the teeth or jaw. A bite analysis is quick, simple and painless – and it can provide valuable information regarding oral health and reveal many complications associated with malocclusion.

Treating Malocclusions

The most ideal treatment for a malocclusion doesn’t involve painful braces, surgery or grinding on healthy teeth – and of course, the best treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive. For some patients, dental aligners such as Invisalign® is the preferred treatment. These braces are removable, invisible to the naked eye and work in much the same way as fixed dental braces, without distracting from the aesthetics of the smile.

A simple mouth guard may be the prescribed treatment in milder cases, and in some people, can make a significant difference at relieving symptoms of a misaligned bite.

Patients who have suffered from bite malocclusion for many years are often interested in the non-surgical treatment Face Lift Dentistry®. This exclusive treatment can reverse the appearance of years of aging while replacing old fillings, bridges and crowns with healthy biologically matching restorations that are made to idealize the bite and the shape of the patients face.

A preferred treatment for malocclusions is with the use of the functional osteopathic teeth straightening palate expansion device called Advanced Lightwire Functionals (ALF). This device addresses misalignment of teeth, facial bone reformation, TMJ pain, as well as troublesome sleep apnea. For many patients, the ALF orthodontic appliance helps to relieve chronic pain and remedy many of the common physical ailments associate with malocclusions. It offers far less discomfort than braces, is much less painful, and is easily removable for cleaning.


Malocclusion and Orthodontics: