Protect Your Overall Health With Safe Mercury Removal

Mercury is a neurotoxin but did you know that it is also the main ingredient in your metal fillings? Other elements include tin, copper, and zinc but mercury represents roughly half of the mixture. If you have metal fillings, you may want to consider safe amalgam removal in Westchester, CA.  Dr. A. J. Boyajian, replaces metal fillings with biocompatible porcelain to improve your overall health as well as the beauty of your smile.

For more information on Safe Mercury Removal and other services provided in our office, please call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Boyajian

Today we have a guest post.

Hello, Readers! I am Dr. Boyajian’s daughter-in-law, and this last weekend I had my teeth worked on in his office for the first time (I live out of town). Wow!  The entire visit went by quickly and smoothly, and the results are great.

When I was younger, I was not as thorough as I should have been when it came to brushing and flossing regularly. My diet had never been ideal — mostly grain-based with not enough nourishing fats and animal protein. I thus developed a total of six cavities, three on each side of my mouth.

My old family dentist was very nice and I never had a bad experience in his office, but the more I learned about amalgam and TMJ while reading this blog, the more I was aware that this other dentist was not practicing dentistry good for the body. He filled up my cavities with amalgam, the “silver” (ahem, MERCURY) fillings and I had never given them a second thought until now… well, except for the occasional glance in the mirror and not really finding metal in my teeth very attractive.

I was able to attend most of the IAOMT seminars with Dr. Boyajian and my eyes were opened to the schemes behind pro-mercury dentistry and things the AMA/FDA wants to hide from us for financial reasons. Immediately afterwards, we decided to remove my fillings because of their extremely hazardous effects on my health (and Dr. Boyajian’s future grandchildren’s health!).

I have not noticed, thankfully, any major issues with toxicity since their removal. Want to hear how it went? Check out the next post!


This book is a wonderful, if not, the best resource available to the general public with information regarding amalgam fillings. I’m in the process of reading it and will note certain particular things that are interesting or important for you to know. We have to spread the word about this horrible practice!

One quick thing I learned at the IAOMT meeting was the difference between mercury-free and mercury-safe dentistry. This is important for me to specify. Mercury-free dentistry is a good thing, but it only implies that materials and equipment a dentist is using don’t contain mercury.

What if someone already has amalgam (silver) fillings, bringing them into the office to be removed? Removal of amalgam fillings causes microscopic particles of mercury to be released in the air, and very careful measures must be taken so that inhalation or skin exposure is prevented. This is definitely the case in my office and with my staff; the term just needed specification. Mercury is extremely toxic and destructive to our health. Once it’s in your body, it’s very difficult to detoxify and remove all traces.

Dr. Boyajian, West Los Angeles

This last weekend, I attended the IAOMT Silver Jubilee Annual Meeting seminars in Las Vegas, NV. I was overwhelmed with the amazing discoveries made lately about mercury-safe dentistry, and some pretty nifty gadgets were introduced. I was like a child in a giant toy store. There was so much to see and learn, and I was able to make some great connections that are going to bring even healthier, more efficient changes into my office. Keep your eyes peeled!

Dr. Boyajian, West Los Angeles

Ever say “Ahhhhh!” to yourself in the mirror and cringe at the unsightly metal in your mouth? Those unsightly metallic crowns or fillings can now be replaced with porcelain or resin! Metal fillings are also very bad for your health, and each day you are slowly poisoning yourself.  If that filling or crown were to crack, the newly released mercury would be absorbed by your body. When absorbed, it actually sticks to your cells and can be very harmful. Don’t wait around for that to happen! Our safe mercury removal techniques (S.M.A.R.T.) follow the protocols set forth by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Your safety is our top priority.

Dr. Boyajian, Los Angeles

Member of the IAOMT

I would like to inform you that I am now a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, or IAOMT. This is an organization devoted to the education of practitioners regarding the effects of mercury-based fillings, excess use of fluorides and the handling of other harmful dental materials.

IAOMT developed from thirteen dentists in 1984 that formed an establishment devoted to educating other dental specialists and allied professionals in the methods of safely dealing with amalgam fillings, and correctly disposing the waste. It has also led the way in developing more biocompatible approaches towards other areas of dentistry, including endodontics, periodontics, and disease prevention. I encourage you to visit for more information.

As a holistic dental practitioner seeking the healthiest, safest, most natural care for my patients, I find it extremely valuable to be a member of IAOMT. My office practices safe removal of mercury fillings; in fact, everything we do is health-promoting. Safety for the patient and our staff in every aspect is our top priority. We are also one of the approved dental offices for Premier Research Labs and world-renown Dr. Bob Marshall DDS, founder of QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis).

I am available for consultation or any questions you might have at (310) 670-6944.

Dr. Boyajian, West Los Angeles

A recent discovery of cavities in my children prompts my asking:
Would a root canal be necessary in a seven year old child?
Should all cavities be filled, even small cavities in primary teeth?
Is mercury in fillings acceptable for primary teeth which will be falling out within five years or so?
What can I do specifically so that we don’t have cavities like this again?

Thanks for any time you may be able to spend in addressing these questions.

Dear Laura,
Let me try to answer your questions as listed.

1. Should root canals be appropriate for a 7 year old?
Root canals are use when the nerve of the tooth is damaged or dead. This will cause the leakage of toxins into the body. Usually an abscess is the result with a variety of consequences. Root canals for children fall into two categories: for permanent teeth or baby teeth. if it is for a permanent tooth it is usually a very good idea. If it for a baby tooth, it depends on how much longer the tooth is needed before its eventual loss. Baby teeth serve many purposes: they are important in helping jaws develop and holding the place for the soon to be present permanent teeth. So whether the baby teeth should be root canaled the answer is maybe. Your dentist will be able to answer the pros and cons for treatment.

2. Should all cavities be filled?
Again, the answer is usually. If the tooth is not in hopeless condition and there is continued need for the tooth then the answer is yes. With a baby tooth I usually try to gauge the size of the cavity with the expected time for the loss of the tooth. If the cavity will not grow to big and cause nerve damage or affect the tooth next to it I will not repair it. I always inform the parent so they can be in on the decisions.

3. Should Mercury fillings be used?
Mercury fillings are also known as Amalgam fillings. The material is approximately 50% mercury and 50% silver. I do not believe it should be used for any reason. Mercury is very dangerous for children and women in the child bearing years. Once mercury enters and is absorbed in the body it is very difficult to remove, not to mention the expenses for removal. There are other materials that will restore the teeth as well without the possibility of risk.

4. How to prevent cavities?
This is a great question. Prevention is where the battle should be fought. So your areas to concentrate on are:
A. Control diet. Everything that can cause cavities should be controlled. The list is numerous but the management is doable.
B. Good oral hygiene with toothbrush and floss. These are very inexpensive and have a huge bang for your buck.
C. The use of sealants. This wonderful tool is very under utilized.
D. Oral hygiene instruction from your dentist. Always ask the dentist or the hygienist for an evaluation at each visit because each hygiene appointment should be a learning time. Patients should clean their own teeth and the professionals should instruct.
E. Frequent hygiene appointments with a dental checkups each visit. This is the standard in our office. This allows for the aforementioned instruction and for the prompt discovery of problems early in the game.
F. X-rays routinly taken. The are invaluable to help in prevention of serious problems. If you can, have digital x-rays taken. Digital x-rays have a significant reduction in the exposure of the x-ray.

I hope this helps.