How Bioesthetic Dentistry Helps You

There are so many reports, complaints, misdiagnoses out there for/from people who do not have the slightest clue as to what is causing their headaches or jaw problems. Years of switching from doctor to doctor and medication to medication can really bog one down; it becomes his/her lifestyle, always taking medical tests and trying to find out what is going on with his/her body!

This should not be considered “normal”, especially when a solution to all of that jaw pain, neck pain, ear pain, damaged teeth, and uncomfortable, ineffective mouth movement can be easily achieved.

Bioesthetic dentistry is based on aligning the teeth to work in harmony with the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) of the jaw to promote a naturally cooperative and functional chewing system. When your teeth are out of their places (which is often the case) — even slightly rearranged from growing up with a habit of grinding them, for example — minor adjustments are made in the mechanics of your chewing system, but major repercussions can ensue. Crookedness, wear and tear, unexplained pain and migraines, and discomfort are all symptoms of this problem.

However, bioesthetics is to the rescue. Treatment is usually easily carried out, realigning teeth and jaw joints to their proper positions, and allowing time for the muscles and tissues to strengthen and turn the correct movements into your habitual movements. Goodbye headaches, restricted/noisy jaw movement, and crooked, worn teeth; hello straight smile, comfortable chewing, and freedom!

Dr. Boyajian, West Los Angeles

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