Bioesthetics could be defined, generally, as the study of “natural beauty.” In the area of dentistry, it applies to the healthy beauty of your mouth. It is acquired by restoring proper alignment between your teeth and jaws with a minimal amount of dental work, producing a perfect bite which will prevent wear-and-tear on your mouth that has, until recently, been blamed on mere “aging.” Correct jaw alignment, a good bite with effective chewing, a pretty smile, and lifetime-lasting results are all included in the package.

For years and years, dentists have been taught to work on each tooth individually. But addressing a single crown here, a root canal there, etc… can lead to complications. Those complications could be masking a broader issue, such as poor alignment of your teeth or crooked jaw joints.  The could be the cause of excessive premature wear or grinding of your teeth. Because Bioesthetics covers the core muscles and fundamentals of oral anatomy, surface issues like worn or cracked teeth, a popping jaw, or gum recession are fixed.  Once this occurs, patients walk out with a stable bite that will last them a long time.  Amazing!

Call today for a complimentary consultation to see if Bioesthetic Dentistry may be the right approach for you.

Dr. Boyajian, Los Angeles

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