Tag Archive for: ozone

Ozone and dental lasers are very useful for treating periodontal ailments in our office. Gingivitis, most commonly known as gum disease, is most often caused by improper oral hygiene. Gingivitis symptoms are usually red, swollen, or easily bleeding gums. If left untreated, gingivitis will lead to periodontitis, where the infection spreads to the root of the tooth, under the gumline, and begins to eat away everything that holds your tooth in place. This often leads to a painful process of tooth loss.

The combination of ozone and a dental laser in treating gum disease is phenomenal. The ozone continuously keeps the area sterile, while the dental laser precisely targets the infected area with minimal pain or damage to the surrounding tissues. Healing is accelerated, and health is restored.

Dr. Glenn Boyajian, West Los Angeles


Ozone, a crucial and important element in protecting and purifying the earth, is typically considered unhealthful, even poisonous, to the human body. This is partly true. Ozone will have a “dry-clean” effect on our lungs when inhaled and it does cause respiratory problems when its presence is more concentrated, seasonally or otherwise.

However, ozone is the second most second sterile substance in the world, and many practical uses have taken advantage of this fact. The thought of being treated somehow with ozone probably seems scary, but ozone is an amazing asset to the dental industry. A small machine that we have makes a small change on the molecular level of the ozone, creating a gas that is completely sterile – even magnetizing itself to and destroying bacteria and germs – but is 100% safe for the human body. It is hypoallergenic and allows the body’s natural immune system to take over and recover from the infection or diseased area. No more chemicals, no more high-maintenance processes of keeping your mouth’s “construction area” clean, and no more worries!

Dr. Glenn Boyajian, West Los Angeles


That idea might sound quite odd and surprising, yes? This is brand-new in my practice. Read this for crucial background information:


The system is basically a small, easy-to-operate machine with several tubes, bottles, and buttons all over (I ordered and received one already), and an oxygen tank. In a nutshell, it works by locally and rapidly eliminating all “bad” bacteria to the place treatment is applied, therefore providing a completely sterile environment to work in. There are no adverse reactions or side effects to worry about. Also, when used internally, it also “magnetically” leeches onto bacteria and destroys it, but does nothing to the “good” cells and bugs in your body. This allows your immune system to fully recover and restore the infection quickly and effectively, and — the best part — completely naturally!

I met the two lead investigators of a national study on the use of oxygen & ozone in dentistry (at the very bottom of the pages in the link), Dr. Mollica and Dr. Harris, at the IAOMT conference last month. They were extremely informative and generous in giving my son and daughter-in-law demonstrations (they were sick with colds that weekend, and, by inhaling the vapor, were healed within a few days! No, oxygen/ozone is not limited to dentistry only!). In a few weeks, I will be attending a class of theirs in New Jersey, where they’ll be teaching dentists how to incorporate the practice into their offices and giving out all kinds of information on its uses.

More on this topic will be written; they told me it is going to change my dentistry like nothing else, and for the better.

Dr. Boyajian, West Los Angeles
